The 3 Amazing Benefits Of PVC Roof For Commercial Properties

7 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Among the many commercial roofing options available, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) roofing membranes are a favorite for many building contractors, and it's easy to see why. 

Check out the benefits that make PVC the go-to roofing material for commercial facilities.   

PVC Is Strong and Durable

A PVC membrane utilizes heat-welded seaming technology to create a tight bond that makes your roof strong. Unlike other roofing materials that use adhesives, tapes, or caulk to seal the roof, a PVC membrane comprises welded seams that prevent leaks more effectively. As a chemical-resistant material, exposure to grease, oil, and other harsh chemicals can't ruin your roof. 

Some roofing materials are highly susceptible to corrosion. For instance, non-stainless steel or poorly coated metal roof can corrode over time. A similar fate befalls the nails and fasteners that hold shingles in place. Luckily, a PVC roof has no metal components, hence no risk of corrosion. 

PVC Is Wind and Fire Resistant

If storms and strong winds are common in your area, a PVC roof is your ticket to safety. PVC is highly wind-resistant, thanks to its welded seams. With no gaps, your roof can easily hold up to any windstorm that can inflict severe damage on a shingle roof.

In addition, a PVC roof can withstand even some destructive hurricanes. This roof is also impervious to moisture, so your roof won't sustain water damage if water pools on it. 

Additionally, a PVC membrane is inherently fire resistant. Manufacturers add fire retardants to the membrane, which makes the material slow to ignite or spread fire. The material also self-extinguishes once you remove the fire source. With a Class A fire-resistance rating, superior protection is a guarantee.

PVC Is Eco-Friendly and Energy-Efficient 

If you are an eco-conscious homeowner, a PVC roof will be good for you. PVC roofing systems are 100% recyclable when your roof reaches the end of its useful life. Moreover, the PVC membrane is incredibly flexible, which makes it easier to repurpose it into new products time and again. 

A PVC roofing (especially the light-colored membrane) boasts a high solar reflectivity. This feature makes your roof energy-efficient, so your cooling and heating systems don't strain to make your indoor space comfortable. As a result, you pay less for your utility bills. 

If you are looking for a durable and fire-resistant roof that also reduces your environmental impact, consider a PVC roof. Also, remember that you should install a PVC roof per the manufacturer's guidelines. So, enlist a qualified roofing contractor to do the job for you. 
